
Special Kind of Thank You

1990 Pow Wow Book Pony Express Council

Recognition is not just for boys. Leaders and parents work hard to bring the boys a quality Cub Scouting program. It is just as important to thank the leaders and parents as it is to recognize the boys.

Any organization with a serious purpose must recognize the poeple helping to attain this purpose.

Adults play a very important role in the Cub Scout program. Weather the adult is registered leader or one who volunteers to help, they should be recognized.

Often a leader or an adult in the pack performs some special service which calls for a special kind of "Thank You."

Remember to give leaders year pins for their # of years service to the program.

"Thank You's can be serious or fun.

Fun "Thank You's can mean more than others. Make these out of a variety of scrap materials around the house.

Prizes and gifts can be purchased at the Scout Office or at various stores in the area. The Scout Office has a variety of certificates that can be purchased or you can make your own.

Community resources make good items for recognition. Restaurants, theaters, and other places of business will sometimes donate tickets, coupons, or other merchandise that can be used to "thank" a leader or a parent.

The following is a list of ways to recognize leaders and adults who have worked and deserve recognition.

Helping Hand. The person who is always around when needed should earn the helping hand award. Cut a hand from wood or take an inexpensive pair of plastic gloves and attach it to a dowel rod. Give the person a "Big Hand" or a "Helping Hand".

Wet Sponge. A good award for the new den leader so the leader can soak up all the ideas and energeis of the many people with whom the leader will come in contact with.

Go Getter Award. An inflated balloon full of hot air for "Go Power for the Go Getter".

Good Egg Award. For someone who always helps or is especially good about helping on certain projects. Use a piece of white felt and cut a yoke from yellow felt. This award can be used by itself or attached to a certificate.

Old Fossil Award. For the person who has been in scouting the longest. Could be a rock or an arrowhead.

Bounce Award. A sheet of "bounce" clothes softener for the Den Leaders will give them bounce to soften their hearts.

On the Ball Award. For the person who always seems to have everything together. Glue a ball to a board and a figure on top. "The Person on the Ball."

Big Heart Award. The person that never fails to help someone else when problems arise. Glue a felt heart on a piece of wood and put a message on that only that person will know and understand. A large heart could be cut out of wood and presented. A stuffed heart made with red material for the "dedicated leader:"

Bright Ideas Award. Spray a light bulb gold and attach to a plaque.

Banquet Award. use a large wooden spoon and paint blue and gold. Attach a ribbon and present to chairman. Another idea for the food chairman spray a small cup blue and gold or use silverware and attach to a plaque.

Golden Pear Award. Attach a plastic fruit pear to a plaque and present to the couple "pair" who has done so much for the pack.

Counted Cross Stitch. Put your message in cross stitch. See counted cross stitch instruction manuals for patterns.

Frame a Group Picture. Use a picture of the Den or Pack with a greeting card border and attach to a plaque.

BSA Supply Items. There are many items available for purchase for BSA National Supply for use in recognizing leaders and youth. See your National Supply catalog.

Pat on the Back. A small hand "child's for a pattern" cut out of wood and attached to a string with "A pat on the Back" printed on the front of the hand. When presenting hang from cord on recipients back.

Thanks a Whole Lot. Cut a shoe sole from an old shoe, piece of leather, cardboard, or thin wood. Cut a hole in the bottom of the sole and print "Thanks a Whole Lot".

BSA 13 Hour Clock. Make a clock face with "13" hours. Print "Official BSA: on the face and put a message on the back such as "For the person who is very busy and still finds an extra hour to get the job done".

Top Banana. Attach a plastic banana to a plaque and give to a Cubmaster or a master of ceremonies.

Golden Penny. Put pennys on a plaque. Present to the Pack Treasurer, Fund Raising Chairman.

Picnic Outing Award. Attach a large plastic insect to a plaque and present to the picnic organizder.

Link to Scouting Award. Attach a few small chain links to a plaque and present to Webelos Leader.

Life Saver Award. Attach a pack of Life Savers to a plaque and present to someone who has saved the program or who has been helpful.

Toy Car Plaqaue. For the Pinewood Derby Chairman or a transportation chairman.

Golden Knot Award. For the Cubmaster of the person who has tied it all together.

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